Panchkarma emphasizes preventative and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation Panchakarma is a formidable Ayurvedic therapy which eliminates accumulated toxins from the body, improves metabolic rate and digestive fire and brings balance to the dhatus (the energetic principles of the body and mind). This powerful therapy will leave your body younger, stronger and free from chronic ailments and your mind calms down, stress is released and you are relaxed.
Snehan is executed to alleviate vata, and allay the doshas. Ghee and oil is used to accomplish these treatment procedures.
Diverse methodology required for the completion of Snehan phase is : Ekang Abhyang or Sarvang – Massage to various body parts.
Both mind and the body are prepared for smooth functioning from Abhyanga. It is well for all body types and also maintains stability between all three doshas.
The term Dhara means flow and here it refers to pre-panchkarma therapy, it helps to open/unlock the channels of mind and body to aid the curing of disease. This treatment deeply relaxes the mind by directly influencing central nervous system. Technique Liquid medicaments such as (herbalized oil, Ghee and milk) are used in this panchakarma therapy.
The word Kati refers to Low back and Basti stands for retaining something inside, in this case mainly medicated oil. The procedure of applying heat to the sacral or lumbar region by retaining warm medicated oil within a specially formed frame in this area is popularly known as ‘Kati Basti’. This is form of giving fomentation to localized area.
In Sanskrit, Janu means knee and Basti means something that’s contained inside. Hence, in this Ayurvedic therapy i.e. Janu Basti, there is medicated hot oil that’s retained on the knee’s surface so as to give comfort to the body. There are many benefits associated with this therapy.
Netra Vasti, also known as Akshi Tarpana, is a process of keeping medicated ghee or oil on the eyes for a certain period of time. It is the best purification and rejuvenation process of eye and other sense organs. In healthy individuals it is carried out to protect the eyes from degeneration due to the aging process and to improve the vision in the diseased person.
Swedana is a procedure done to stimulate your sweat glands to increase perspiration and circulation. It alleviates vitiated vata and kapha dosha. It helps to reduce pain, stiffness, heaviness and coldness in your body.
There are several types of Swedana Karma:
➔ Sarvanga Vasp Swedana
➔ Baluka Swedana
➔ Sarvanga Vasp Swedana
Expulsion of aggravated doshas from the mouth region or the oral canal is called Vaman karma. It should not be compared with vomiting. Vaman karma is performed after sequence of procedures under the supervision of Panchkarma expert and is done according to condition of the patients.
The Virachana therapy is medicated purification therapy, cleansing the body from excess pitta accumulation, purifying blood and clearing toxins. The therapy primarily concentrates on the toxins accumulated in the liver and gall bladder, thus cleansing the gastro-intestinal tract completely.
Basti’s literal translation is “bladder”, however, the Basti therapy referred to in Ayurveda is often talking about the application of the herbal enema. As a direct pathway into the colon, the Ayurvedic enema is very powerful for treating a number of issues and ailments, as well as cleansing toxins (ama) from the intestines.
Nasya treatment refers to an Ayurvedic therapy that includes instillation of herbal oils, juices or powders through the nasal route. It works specifically on disorders of ear, nose and throat. Nasya is one among the five Panchakarma therapies. It is especially desirable for diseases of parts above the base of the neck; nasal passage being the gateway of the head.
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