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Online Booking

Patanjali Wellness : Atmabodh Pune MH

Atmabodh Pune MH

Patanjali Wellness brings to you an integrated, holistic and complete health package in your city Pune . A fusion of, Naturopathy (the ancient Indian art of healing), Ayurved (Herbal medicine) Yoga (mind body balance), Panchkarma therapies (Body Detox) acupressure , acupuncture, yagya therapy and multitude and relaxing therapies like Shirodhara , Abhyanga and Potli Massages. You will experience some exclusively developed techniques and therapies under the guidance of our Patanjali's experienced doctors and therapists in a hygienic, eco-friendly environment.

Treatment for diseases like BP, sugar, constipation, joint pain, arthritis, obesity, weakness, cervical pain, back pain, knee pain, migraine, parkinson, gas acidity, asthma, thyroid, fatty liver, kidney problem, skin problem are available here.

Submit Your Query

49 well-appointed rooms with all basic amenities are available at Patanjali Wellness- Atmabodh, Pune MH. All rooms are simple, clean and designed for your comfortable stay during your treatment. We also have well-appointed 23 bed dormitory.


  • Yoga Therapy
  • Ayurved
  • Naturopathy
  • Panchakarma
  • Diet Therapy
  • Acupressure
  • Acupuncture
  • Physiotherapy
  • Shatkarma
  • Shringi


प्रातः एवं सांय दोनों समय रोगानुसार योगाभ्यास पतंजलि वैलनेस का अभिन्न हिस्सा है। पतंजलि वैलनेस में आने वाले सभी स्वास्थ्य साधकों के लिए योग में उपस्थित होना एक अनिवार्य निर्देश होता है। पंचकर्म एवं नेचुरोपैथी के अलग अलग उपचार के साथ जब प्रतिदिन रोगानुसार योग किया जाता है तो उपचार की कार्यक्षमता बढ़ जाती है।

Online Booking

Register Yourself- Generate MR Number

If already registered - login with your credentials.

Generate IPD booking request.

Once request approved from our team - Book your room.

Sign up - For new user

Login - For existing user

Patanjali Wellness Contact Details
Patanjali wellness- Atmabodh Pune MH

Address:- Gate No. 242 , Donje Tq. Haveli ,Near Krushna water park , Sinhgad Road Pune 412108

Phone No. :- (+91) 9699740188 | 9699740189

E-Mail Id:-

Website: -

Bank Details
Center Name : Atmabodh Pune MH

Atmabodh wellness & Agro Private Limited

Bank Details : For Booking purpose

Name of Bank : HDFC BANK

A/C Number : 50200039383132

IFSC Code : HDFC0001794

Swift code : HDFCINBBXXX

Branch : Nanded city , Pune

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