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Jal Neti: Jal Neti is a method for purifying the nostrils and sinuses. The main aim of Jal Neti is to purify and cleanse the entire Upper Respiratory Tract right from the nostrils to the throat using lukewarm saline water. It involves pouring water in one nostril and flushing it out from the other nostril with the help of neti pot.

Rubber Neti: Rubber neti is a nasal cleansing yogic procedure in which the nasal area and outer respiratory regions are decongested

Procedure:- In rubber neti, a rubber catheter is lubricated (oil /gelly) and is carefully and gently inserted through the nose and into the mouth. The end is then pulled out of the mouth and while holding both ends at once the string is alternately pulled in and out of the nose and sinuses and vice-versa.


  • • Beneficial in sinus, cold-cough, rhinitis, headache, nasal congestion, snoring, DNS
  • • Dislodges mucous and debris and helps to clear nasal passages.


  • • Don't force catheter into the nose.
  • • Practice it before pranayama session.
  • • Practice it after Jal neti.
  • • Ensure thread is clean and trimmed properly and lubricated.
  • • If nose is blocked then pour 2-3 drops of oil at bed time.
  • • Always practice neti under guidance.


  • Nasal polyp, nasal bleeding

Kunjal kriya

Kunjal kriya involves practicing self-induced vomiting, which provides a cleansing effect and purifies our digestive tract, lungs, liver, intestine, and food pipe.


  • -Mix the salt in the water (1 tsp/litre), sit in Kagaasana position (crow pose)
  • -Drink 6-7 glasses of saline water quickly to get gag reflex. Now stand and bend forward to vomit.
  • -Once you feel emptiness in stomach, lie down in savasana and relax for about 10-15mins.


  • This Kriya has to be done in the morning empty stomach.
  • Water shouldn't be too cold or hot.
  • Don't drink water while standing.
  • Do this procedure for 3-5 minutes only.
  • Eat your food only after two hours of practice.
  • Don’t bend too much.
  • • Flushes out excessive mucus.
  • • It cleans your chest and helps in better breathing.
  • • It improves digestion and helps and cures acidity.
  • • During this procedure, your stomach muscles contract, so it helps in losing belly fat.
  • • Kunjal Kriya improves the blood flow in your abdominal organs.

An enema cane has a nozzle on the end of small bag /bottle. This container is filled with liquid-saline water, mineral oil-that is injected into the anus up to the rectum.


Lie down on the left side (left lateral) with folded legs (90degree) lubricate the catheter and gently, insert the nozzle into the anus and the container is squeeze, sending the liquid out of the nozzle and into the last part of the colon, called the rectum.

The liquid is usually held in the rectum for particular time. It could be held until the urge to move the bowels comes on. In some cases, it might be suggested that the enema stay inside the body for a few minutes or longer.

Defaecate when get the urge. Gently massage your abdomen during procedure

Types of enema:



योगनिद्रा का अर्थ है- आध्यात्मिक नींद। यह वह नींद है जिसमें जागते हुए सोना है। सोने व जागने के बीच की स्थिति है योग निद्रा। इसे स्वप्न और जागरण के बीच की स्थिति मान सकते हैं यह झपकी जैसा है या कहे कि अर्धचेतन जैसा है।

  • • Enema can treat constipation.
  • • Enema can support weight loss, remove toxins from your body, and improve your skin, immunity and energy levels.
  • Dehydration
  • Appendicitis
  • Inflammation of the large intestine
  • Acute kidney failure
  • Bleeding piles etc.


  • -Enema cane should not be placed to high
  • -Temperature of water should be maintained carefully.
  • -Cather should soft and lubricated properly.
  • -Air should be carefully removed before inserting the catheter

Washing eyes with water is called eye wash.


Fill the eyewash cup with pure water. Put the cup over your eye. Be sure to hold it there tightly to avoid leaks. Tilt your head downwards, open your eyes slowly (blink), and move your eyeball around to help the liquid wash the whole surface of your eyes. Triphala water/Rose water can be used.


To make triphala eye wash: add ½ tsp of triphala powder to a glass or ceramic cup and add 8 ounces boiled, filtered water. Stir the triphala and water mixture well, remove the spoon and leave it. It's suggested to make this in the evening and leave it overnight for morning use


  • • Reduces Oxidative Stress.
  • • Anti-aging Eye Disorders.
  • • Strengthen Eye Muscles.
  • Contra-indications:
  • Avoid touching your eyes after eyewash.
  • Water should be clean.
  • Don’t rub your eyes after eye wash.
  • • एकाग्रता और स्मृति में सुधार करता है।
  • • सिर दर्द, अनिद्रा व बुरे सपने आदि को भी ठीक किया जा सकता है।
  • • मन शांत करता है व आंखो की सफाई करता है।
  • • “खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद न करें कम से कम 2 घंटे के पश्चात ही इसका अभ्यास करें ।

Tratak Kriya, is one of the six yogic cleansing practices (Shatkriya).


Tratak is the practice of gazing at an object without blinking your eyes until tears come. TRATAK can be done using thumb,alphabets,flame,any sign,rising sun.

(Sun is a great source of Prana, the life energy. Gazing at the sun provides a lot of Pranic energy to the practitioner. One should learn this practice for the well-being.



  • • Sharpens eyesight.
  • • Brain functionality increases.
  • • Improves sleep pattern.
  • • Improves concentration.


  • • Choose a dark and quiet room.
  • • Never do it if you have eye problems.
  • • The lamp's light must be constant and at eye level.
Yog nidra

Yoga nidra, a Sanskrit term meaning "yogic sleep" is a deep relaxation technique and a form of meditation.

Also called "psychic sleep," yoga nidra is a state between sleeping and waking. The body is completely relaxed and the practitioner turns the awareness inward by listening to a set of instructions.

Yoganidra is a combination of sleep and meditation with added potency to energize our system.


  • • Yog nidra should be performed empty stomach.
  • • Noise free environment.
  • • Be in comfortable clothing.


  • 1. Lie down on your back in Shavasana (Corpse pose)
  • 2. Close your eyes
  • 3. Take a few deep breaths
  • 4. Now take your attention to different parts of the body in this order, while relaxing each part,
    • • Right foot
    • • Left foot
    • • Right knee
    • • Left knee
    • • Right thigh
    • • Left thigh
    • • Whole of the right leg
    • • Whole of left leg
    • • Abdomen
    • • Stomach
    • • Chest
    • • Shoulders
    • • Right arm
    • • Left arm
    • • Throat
    • • Face
    • • Top of your head
    • • Finally take your attention to the whole body
  • 5. Lie down in this position for a few minutes
  • 6. Gently roll over to your right side and sit up taking your own time
  • 7. Slowly open your eyes.


  • • Removes stress and anxiety
  • • Rejuvenates the body
  • • Relaxes the nervous system
  • • Cools the body and restores its normal temperature
  • • Facilitates a calm mind
  • • Removes emotional patterns
  • • Removes insomnia
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